What does “YATSU” mean?
That blue guy?
Sometimes, in English, we hear people describe “that guy” with finger pointing out something, in this case something blue.

We often say “that thing!” “That one” in English.
But what is that in Japanese?
The closest one I can think of is “Yatsu/やつ”
“Yatsu” has the meaning of “the guy” or “that guy”, referring to the person (usually a male buddy).
Examples Phrases
For that blue thing...I would say 「あおいやつ 」(aoi yatsu!)
“Pass me that blue thing”
「その "あおいやつ"、とって!」
sono aoi yatsu totte!
その is needed to say that blue thing. Not just any blue thing "that" blue thing.
You will need to use the Adjective.
Others examples.
-Round thing =まるいやつ Marui-yatsu
-Dirty thing=きたないやつ Kitanai-yatsu
what is that round thing in your hand?
Te ni motteiru marui yatsu nani?
So if you don’t know the name of the thing, just say 〇〇やつ!