What is lebechi (レベチ) in English?
Written By Motokyo
Are you レベチ in anything?
レベチ is a hybrid shorten word from 2 words.
レベル + ちがい
Level + Difference
The word describes a person or thing that is at another level.
In this case, a much better level.

Example Phrases
Kare wa hontouni levechi!
He is really beyond level.
Kare no soccer no skill wa levechi!
His soccer skill is mad!
*caution-its fairly new trending word used by young generation.
There is a TV show called Levchi na hito mitsuketa.
The show find the “levechi” person and talk about why they are beyond the level.
Not everyone knows, but very trendy word that you want to use and brag about it!
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